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How to create a timesheet app in teams using power apps and power automation

Author: Ramya Reddy 

–DxEngineers Employee


Overview:: Microsoft provided us with a great opportunity to create Apps in Microsoft teams and automate the process. I have created Timesheet for employees to enter their allocated work in the App. The lead will approve the details after checking; data is generated every day at a scheduled time. Created an App using Screens, containers, galleries, Forms. Text boxes and labels are used to enter the details as per the requirement, added submit, delete, and edit Icon controls to the form and applied formulas for the properties for these Icons. Need to preview and check whether the App is working properly or facing any complex issues. Next comes the database. Here I have created a table in the testing environment with the column names and data types same as in the App. Test it by entering details in the table and should appear in the App. Final step data need to store data on daily basis .Created a scheduled flow in the same testing environment and applied rules like given access to the One Drive , generated Timings and run the flow . 

Steps I followed while creating Timesheet App. 

Open Microsoft teams and click on the Icon Apps which is on the left side. 

Search for power Apps and Click on the start Button which provides you an option to create an App. 



  • Click on the New App and need to select the environment. Here I have created Testing and Click on create. 


  • Select Testing and Enter App Name 
  • .  

 I have created an App DXEngineers . 

  • Open the App, Screen will pop Up and Choose Four containers on the screen, one vertical Gallery and Form. 
  • After Creating All the details are resided on left side. So, it makes easy to understand how many Galleries, containers, Screens are used for this App.
  • Left Container:    

                   TEXT:  In the Text box mentioned the name DXEngineers Employees. 

                    New Record:  Which creates a new record by ONSELECT property   

                                            NewForm(mainform); UpdateContext({newMode: true}); 

  •   After Filling the details in Main Form, it shows on the left Container which employee has logged in. If the employee updated the results administrator has to approve, then it shows in green color. If the details are not updated, it shows orange color. 


  • Right Container: 

                      It has main form in container.  Inserted 8 Textboxes and labels as per the requirements. Each column is selected as per the Datatypes. 

                 Main Form: Employee Name (Required and data type: single line Text), 

                                            Employee ID (data type: Number), 

                                            Date and Time login (Data and Time), 

                                            Work Type (Single line Text), 

                                            Work Description (Multiple line Text), 

                                             Hours Spent (Hours), 

                                             Status (Choice), 

                                             Challenges (Mutli line Text).   



  • Delete Icon will delete the data.
  • Right Icon will add a new record.


Go to the Home Page, at bottom of the page click see more, Testing environment 

Will open. Create the table as per the requirements. 

Created a Table In testing Environment DXEngineers Employees. 

  • Created the same columns based on datatypes as per the requirement. 
  • I choose Employee as required. Date and time, single line Text and multiple line Text. 
  • Data entered in the table will reflect in the power Apps. 
  • Whatever the changes made in the power Apps will show in the table. 

  • To store the data automatically in a database powerAutomate is used. 
  • Here Data is stored in One Drive. 
  • Open the power Automate and start creating Scheduled Flow. 

 In the recurrence Tab enter the scheduled time. 

 This Flow is created every day at 5. 00A.M in the morning. So that every employee finishes Updating their work details in the App. 

  • In Recurrence: Enter Time Schedule, 

                List Rows: Enter the table name, 

                Create Csv table: To represent columns in the table, 

                Create file: In the path enter the folder name name created in database, 

                                      Table name with current data and Time now with .CSV and  

                                       Output will be in .CSV pattern.                     

  • Report will be generated in One Drive Every day. 

 I followed Reza Dorran You tube Videos For power Apps 

Properties and Formulas used in power Apps 

  • Items         :  ‘DXEngineers Employees’. 
  • On Select:    NewForm(mainform); UpdateContext({newMode: true}); 
  • On Success: UpdateContext({ CurrentItem: Self.LastSubmit, editMode: false,        newMode: false}). 

 This print shows clearly how many containers, Galleries, Layouts are used for this App. 


  • Employees can update their details. 
  • so, it can prevent loss of data. 
  • Time Consuming Process. 
  • If anything denied orange pop up will show on Gallery. 


  • After running the scheduled flow, every day new sheet is created in database (One Drive). It should be enhanced like in one sheet new row need to be added every day rather than creating new one. 



Maximizing financial trackers

How to add a Netsuite saved search as a custom sublist in a custom record type?

To add a saved search as a custom sublist in the custom record. follow the below steps.

Step 1: create a saved search then check AVAILABLE AS SUBLIST VIEW in the saved search then go to the available filters tab and add at least one available filter(the filter field type should be List/Record).

Step 2: go to your custom record then click on the sublists tab then add your saved search from the search line dropdown.

Note: On the Available Filters subtab, the first filter listed must be of type List/Record for this saved search to be available as a custom sublist

Suite answers link

Maximizing financial trackers (6)

How to become a certified Salesforce Administrator

How to Become a Salesforce Admin: A Guide | Ebsta|How to ...
If you’re interested in a career in Salesforce administration, becoming a certified Salesforce Administrator is a great place to start. Here are the steps you can follow to become a certified Salesforce Administrator:

1.Get Familiar with Salesforce: Start by exploring Salesforce’s website and familiarizing yourself with the platform. Take online tutorials and courses to get an understanding of how Salesforce works and how it can be customized to meet different business needs.

2.Gain Experience: To become a certified Salesforce Administrator, you need to have experience working with Salesforce. This could involve working on a Salesforce implementation project, volunteering to manage a Salesforce instance for a nonprofit organization, or using Salesforce in your current job.

3.Study for the Certification Exam: Once you have a good understanding of Salesforce and some experience working with it, you can start studying for the certification exam. Salesforce offers a range of study materials, including online courses, study guides, and practice exams.

4.Register for the Exam: When you feel ready to take the certification exam, register for it on Salesforce’s website. The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and you have 90 minutes to complete it. You need to score at least 65% to pass the exam.

5.Maintain Your Certification: Once you’ve passed the exam and become a certified Salesforce Administrator, you need to maintain your certification by completing regular maintenance exams. This helps ensure that you stay up-to-date with the latest changes and updates to the Salesforce platform.

Maximizing financial trackers (1)

Remotely Reboot the server using Computer Management Console

Remotely Reboot server using Computer Management Console.

To do reboot the server remotely need administration access on the RDP.

Here I am restarting DEV01 from DEV02 (or any other server) server: 

Step1: Connect to DEV02 (or any other server) and right click on This PC then Select Manage and Click. (Like below)

Step 2: Server Manager window appears. Click on All servers. 

Step 3: Right-click on All servers and select Add server. 

Step 4: Search the server’s name, select that server, and click that arrow button to move that server to the right side of the selected box. Click Ok. (Refer to below Screenshots) 

Step: 5 Right-click on the server’s name which you want to restart. Then click on Restart Server to restart.


Step 6: Click OK to confirm the Restart. 

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What is Salesforce?​

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software solution that is designed to help businesses of all sizes manage their customer interactions more effectively. It offers a suite of powerful tools and features that enable businesses to manage their sales, marketing, customer service, and other critical business processes in a single, unified platform…